目 录
20世纪二三十年代欧洲知识精英的美国观 /王晓德(4)
当代美国增长伦理的转变与城市增长管理运动 /孙群郎(19)
19世纪英国中产阶级妇女投资经营活动及其原因分析 /潘迎华(32)
世界的宁波:16—17世纪欧洲地图中的宁波港 /廖大珂(43)
宗教改革对德意志近代早期国家构建的影响 /钱金飞(56)
论16世纪纽伦堡慈善和社会救济制度改革 /周施廷(67)
希腊城邦与奥林匹亚节 /邢 颖(80)
“安东尼努斯敕令”新论 /刘小青(91)
· 研究综述 ·
俄国学者对中东铁路问题的研究 /马蔚云(108)
· 研究与讨论 ·
——大卫·休谟《英国史》中译本读后有感 /孙 坚(118)
· 书评 ·
一部具有全球视野的史学史著作——评《全球史学史》 /贺五一(126)
评《15世纪的世界史》 /朱 明(133)
《世界妇女史》译著评介 /畅引婷(138)
· 学术报道 ·
《旧制度与大革命》学术研讨会综述 /任灵兰(141)
中国世界现代史研究会学术研讨会综述 /杨黔云 程利(146)
皮尔·弗里斯教授评《大分流》及其加州学派/ 姚朋(149)
· 书 讯 ·
The European Intellectuals’Perceptions of America in the 1920s and 1930s / Wang Xiaode(4)SUMMARIES OF ARTICLES
The Transformation of the Growth Ethic and the Growth Management Movement in Contemporary America /Sun Qunlang(19)
British Middle-class Women’s Investment Behavior in the Nineteenth Century /Pan Yinghua(32)
Ningbo in the World:Ningbo Port on European Maps in the 16th and 17th Centuries /Liao Dake(43)
The Reformation’S Effects on the Construction of Early Nation of Deutschland in Modern Times / Qian Jinfei(56)
Toward the Modern German Social Security System:The Reform of Charity and Poor Relief in Sixteenth—Century Nuremberg /Zhou Shiting(67)
The Ancient Olympic Games in the Context of the Polis /Xing Ying(80)
On Constititio Antoniniana de Civitate /Liu Xiaoqing(91)
The European Intellectuals’Perceptions ofAmerica in the 1920s and 1930s
Wang Xiaode
In the 1920s and 1930s,the American way of life with obvious modernity spread widely into European countries,which led to a profound concern of the left and the right in the European intellectual elite.They railed against the American civilization which threatened the existence and development of the European order and elegant lifestyle.The ideas of the European intellectuals in this period had both the root of the historical tradition and the deep imprint of the times,which not only reflecting their lack of in—depth understanding of American civilization,but also highlighting the positive maintenance of the local way of life.They established another image of the United States which was opposite to that of Europe,who was finally intended to prevent the European culture from being “contaminated”by the American popular culture.
The Transformation ofthe Growth Ethic and the Growth Management Movement in Contemporary America
Sun Qunlang
The fast growth of contemporary America and the low density sprawl of American metropolitan areas led to numerous economic,social and ecological problems.From the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s,Americans began to rethink this approach to growth,and there appeared a growth management movement in some states.The goal of the movement was to rationally manage growth,So as to solve or prevent the problems produced by growth and sprawl.The attitudes of the various levels of governments and the people,however,were very different.They took varying growth management measures,and different results achieved.At the same time,the growth management movement was facing severe challenges.
British Middle-class Women's Investment Behavior in the Nineteenth Century
Pan Yinghua
British middle-class investing activities of women in the nineteenth—century have attracted significant attention in western historical fields.These women became wealth creators in public by investing into different economic fields,including transportation,finance,business,industry and other subfields.It was industrialization that led to the improvement of investment environments and the increase in investment opportunities and demands,which stimulated women to participate in investing activities.Furthermore,the improved employment opportunities for women,the growing awareness of women's rights,the change in the women’S family inheritance rights and the improvement of family status provided a good basis.Although they only took part in the investment activities on a limited scale,this still played a significant role not only in economic development in Britain,but also in the strengthening of women's influence in public and private spheres,thus promoting progress towards gender equality.
Ningbo in the World:Ningbo Pon on European Maps in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Liao Dake
In the 1 540s.the Portuguese came to Ningbo for trade and together with Chinese and Japanese pirates,took over Syongicam.Gradually,a big trade port emerged,and Liampo thus became famous throughout the world.Liampo and Syongicam,however,exhibited variances in geographic representation on European Maps during the 16th and 17th centuries.This paper intends to study Liampo and Ninpo port as depicted on European Maps and Nautical Charts during the 16th and 17th centuries.Meanwhile,through a comparison of the changing geographical references and the evolution of Liampo,the paper attempts to analyze Europeans’evolving understanding of Ningbo Port,and reveal its importance in international trade and the history of world navigation.
The Reformation's Effects on the Construction of Early Nation of Deutschland in Modern Times
Qian Jinfei
This article explores not only the impact of the Reformation on the nation construction of the Holy Roman Empire during the early modeITl times,but also the impact on nation construction of the territorial states.From the middle of the 15thcentury.the Germans had practiced a series of nation construction measures to build a new empire before the appearance of the Reformation.The outbreak and development of the Reformation did not impede the Empire’S nation construction,but it complicated the environments.As a result the nation construction of Empire was slowed down.The Reformation proffered territorial states a good opportunity to expand territories,broaden functions of state organizations,strengthen the state—consciousness of its citizens,and speed the creations of absolute territorial states.
Toward the Modern German Social Security System:The Reform of Charity and Poor Relief in Sixteenth-Century Nuremberg
Zhou Shiting
This paper attempts to explore the changes in sixteenth—century Nuremberg’S charity and poor relief provision,as well as the relation between the rotestant Reformation and social reform.Under the influence of both these factors,the modern German social security system evolved.By carefully reading of Martin Luther’S articles and Nuremberg governmental documents,the author emphasizes the significance of the Reformation for the ideology of poor relief,and also discusses the broader impact it had on institutional reform and policy change.These reforms were seen as a response to religious,political and social changes of the period,and to the unsustainable distribution of charity resources during the Middle Ages.Consequently,the Nuremberg government replaced the traditional forms of Christian charity with the new centralized municipal poor relief institutions,which gradually developed into the modern German social security system.
The Ancient Olympic Games in the Context of the Polis
Xing Ying
The ancient Olympic Games was one of the most significant festivals in ancient Greece.Citizens allover the Greek world were able to participate.The most distinctive form of Greek political organization--the polis--indeed offered the fundamental framework for this festival.The Olympic Games,like every Greek festival within a polis,was managed by a polis,which in this case was Elis,while other Greek poleis,whether by the encouragement of their citizens’participation or by the extravagant treasuries and offerings,also played active roles in this event.It is argued that the Olympic Games not only had a Panhellenic nature,but also were an inherent part of the Greek polis system.
On Constititio Antoniniana de Civitate
Liu Xiaoqing
Constititio Antoniniana de Civitate(CAC)is an edict promulgated by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus in the early 3 rd century.which granted Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants throughout the Roman world.Classic literatures and the traditional ideas generally attributed CAC to the emperor’S financial or military goals.However,according to archaeological sources,its main aims were to express gratitude to the immortal gods,to extend the Roman religion,and to consolidate the identity of emperor—worship.In this way,Antoninus attempted to expand his ruling base and consolidate his power.The most important effect of the edict was not in the material gain,but in the strengthening of imperial identity.