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  目 录 


  从文化的视角剖析欧洲反美主义 /王晓德(4) 

  法国旧制度晚期奢侈论争中的等级、性别与政治 /汤晓燕(17) 

  博林布鲁克的宪政观和政党理论 /阎照祥(30) 



  肯尼迪政府时期美英在中东“相互依赖”战略分析——以也门危机为中心 /温强(41) 

  1976年板门店事件的缘起与美国的反应 /邓峰(52) 

  1969—1972年美日关于琉球群岛美军基地的谈判及其影响 /崔修竹(61) 



  狄奥尼索斯崇拜与雅典民主政治 /魏凤莲(74) 

  马丁·路德“发现”约翰·胡斯之过程探析 /曾祥敏(84) 



  再论“古代国家”、“早期国家”与“国家”——与王震中先生商榷  /易建平(95) 



  21世纪德国学界关于第一次世界大战责任和起源问题的讨论  /徐健(114) 

  历史时间与时间历史——基于雅克·勒高夫史学时间观的双重视角 /陈群志(123) 



  北美殖民地时期环境史研究中原始文献的甄别与使用 /赵万武(136) 



  第四届世界史研究前沿论坛暨《世界历史》编委会扩大会议在哈尔滨举行 /宁凡(147) 

  中国世界中世纪史学会第八次代表大会暨学术研讨会在徐州召开 /赵辉兵 张文德(149) 









  The Anti-Americanism in Europe: A Cultural Perspective /Wang Xiaode(4) 

  Hierarchy, Gender and Politics in the Debate on Luxury during the Ancien Regime /Tang Xiaoyan(17) 

  On Bolingbroke’s Theory of Constitutionalism and Party System /Yan Zhaoxiang(30) 

  On the Mutual Dependence of Britain and America during Kennedy’s Reign, with a Focus on the Yemen Civil War /Wen Qiang(41) 

  The Cause of the Panmunjom Axe Murder Incident in 1976 and the Reaction of the US /Deng Feng(52) 

  The Negotiations about American Military Bases in the Ryukyu Islands between the US and Japan in 1969-1972 and Their Influences /Cui Xiuzhu(61) 

  The Worship of Dionysus and Athenian Democracy /Wei Fenglian(74) 

  On Luther’s Discovery of Hus /Zeng Xiangmin(84) 

  On “Ancient State”, “Early State”, and “State” /Yi Jianping(95) 

  On the Discussion of the Responsibility for and Cause of the First World War in 21st Century Germany /Xu Jian(114) 

  The Historical Time and The History of Times: The Twofold Perspectives of Jacques Le Goff ‘s Historical Concept of Time /Chen Qunzhi(123) 

  The Discernment and Usage of Primary Documents in Environmental HistoryStudies of Colonial North America /Zhao Wanwu(136) 





  Wang Xiaode, The Anti-Americanism in Europe: A Cultural Perspective 

  Anti-Americanism, an indelible shadow haunting the relation between Europe and the US, was a century-old tradition in Europe. Fundamentally, it derived from the difficulty of European elites in accepting the US culturally. In the concept of European anti-Americanism, Europe became an ideological notion, rather than a geographical one, representing the civilization of Western Europe. The localism of anti-Americanism could be traced back to the sense of cultural superiority of Europeans, while the international nature of the US obviously drove European elites to turn this superiority into anti-American discourses and actual resistances. However, these discourses contained fictitious and unrealistic elements which have greatly influenced European public consciousness of the US.  


  Tang Xiaoyan, Hierarchy, Gender and Politics in the Debate on Luxury during the Ancien Regime 

  The debate on luxury in 18th century France was not only political, economic, and religious in nature, but was also gender-related. Compared with previous anti-luxury arguments, the criticism on the extravagance and corruption of aristocratic women, or even the aristocracy as a whole, was vehement. Aristocrats were considered as a group without merit and virtue, whose authority and legitimacy were strongly questioned. Under the guise of a gender-related issue, the debate inherited the classical tradition of abstemiousness and revealed the conflict between different social classes, mirroring the adversarial social-political situation. Behind the debate on luxury was the creaking ramshackle of the old hierarchical society at the dawn of the French Revolution.  


  Yan Zhaoxiang, On Bolingbroke’s Theory of Constitutionalism and Party System 

  The study of the political thought of Bolingbroke has long been insufficient. He has long been derided philosophically, and his theory of constitutionalism and the division of powers and their impacts were underestimated as well. Although his idea of a no-party government largely stems from his moaning over his failure in political conflict, it contains sparkling insights. The undertone of his patriotic monarch was an obscure pursuit provoked by the dissatisfactory political situation. However, its obscurity has led to its neglect and distortion. The reasons are complex: both the immaturity of the early British party system and the mainstream’s restricted understanding of political thoughts at a time of social transition contributed to the mistreatment of Bolingbroke’s thought. Moreover, the misbehavior in his early political life has also influenced the attitude and evaluation by later generations.  


  Wen Qiang, On the Mutual Dependence of Britain and America during Kennedy’s Reign, with a Focus on the Yemen Civil War 

  In the 1950s, in order to win the support of the US and reinforce its power in the Middle East, the Macmillan government proposed the strategy of mutual dependence. Although the Kennedy government principally acknowledged the proposal, it actually put more emphasis on adjusting its relation with Arab nationalism and containing the influence of the USSR on the Middle East. During the Yemen Civil War, the British government neither recognized the new republican government, nor sought to reconcile with Nasser. As a result, the American government lost patience and the dissonance between American and British Middle East policies became irreconcilable. The failure of mutual dependence was a result of the volatile situation in the Middle East and the disparity between the interests of Britain and the US. From the very beginning, the strategy was plagued by the predicament of how to balance the power and interests of allied countries. Hence, when a crisislike the Yemen Civil Waroccurred, national interests gained priority, and the failure of this strategy was ineluctable.  


  Deng Feng, The Cause of the Panmunjom Axe Murder Incident in 1976 and the Reaction of the US 

  After the Axe Murder Incident of August 1976, the Ford government assumed that the incident was a premeditated provocation of the DPRK without definitive evidence, hence it launched an aggressive reaction: the Operation Paul Bunyan. The reaction of American government was mainly determined by the international situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the influence of American presidential election, and the peaceful intention of the DPRK. In fact, the incident was a contingence in the long-term conflict between the US and the DPRK; it was caused by a series of operations of the US and South Korea. The stereotype of American policy makers about the DPRK blinded them to the responsibility of the American side and provided them with misinterpretations of the Korean side. Hence, the US often fell into quagmires in dealing with the security issue of the Korean Peninsula.  


  Cui Xiuzhu, The Negotiations about American Military Bases in the Ryukyu Islands between the US and Japan in 1969-1972 and Their Influences 

  During the negotiation process of the transfer of the administrative rights of the Ryukyu Islands, the US and Japan signed several confidential agreements related to the disposition of American military bases. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the the Americans the right to use the land of military bases, the Japanese government also reached understanding with the local union of military land landowners in Okinawa. The formulation of these agreements revealed changes in negotiation purposes and strategies of both sides, and reflected a correlation between Japan-American diplomatic negotiation and Japanese domestic politics. After the Okinawa Reversion the transfer of the odmininstrative rights, the function of American military bases in Ryukyu has barely changed, with almost all central areas of the bases retained. The relation between military bases in Ryukyu and American defense policy in the Korean Peninsula has also remained intact. Japan partly took over the defense responsibility of Ryukyu, which signified a new phase of the Japan-US security system.  


  Wei Fenglian, The Worship of Dionysus and Athenian Democracy 

  In the formation of Athenian democratic politics, the worship of Dionysus helped with the melting of boundaries and the enhancement of integrity. It reconciled the conflict between commoners and aristocrats and exerted a positive influence on the building of Athenian ideology. Before and after Solon’s reforms, there was a boom of Dionysus’ images on artifacts, like vases; the city Dionysia was established during the rule of Peisistratus; the dithyramb competitions were used by Cleisthenes as an important method to unite different clans. On the other hand, in the reinforcement and development of Athenian democracy, the city state made detailed stipulations on the practice of Dionysus worship. The city Dionysia hence became a major medium for the expression of ideology. In Athens, the worship of Dionysus and other religious practices coordinated consonantly with the politics of the city state.  


  Zeng Xiangmin, On Luther’s Discovery of Hus 

  As major figures in the Reformation, Luther and Hus were closely related. Luther first encountered the sermons of Hus in an Augustinian friary in Erfurt; then he was called a new Hus in the Leipzig Debate; later, he read Hus’ The Church and considered himself Hussite; finally, he facilitated the publication of The letters of John Hus and wrote the preface. Luther was initially shocked by the theology of Hus, but then delved into and accepted it, and eventually extolled and venerated Hus’ thought. Hus took the Bible as the ultimate authority, questioned the authority of the Roman Catholic Church in his works, and showed incredible faith and courage in his execution of these. Although Luther did not derive his idea of Reformation from Hus, the latter clearly heartened him.  


  Yi Jianping, On “Ancient State”, “Early State”, and “State” 

  This paper discusses a major difference in the theoretical foundation of the definition of state between Wang Zhenzhong and Yi Jianping. Wang used the word ancient to modify state, which is problematic. Firstly, his definition of ancient state as the imperative power with monopolistic trait that overruled the whole society cannot be supported by historical records. But according to his definition, the monopolistic and imperative power appeared in modern states instead of ancient states.  Secondly, his interpretation of Claessen and Khazanov’s early state as the early stage of ancient state was inaccurate. In the periodization of social history, early state could appear in either the ancient era or the medieval era, or even in Wang’s modern era.  Thirdly, Wang’s categorization of state discussed by Friedrich Engels, Max Weber, Morton H.  Fried, Elman R.  Service, Kent V. Flannery, Anthony Giddens, William T. Sanders, Robert L. Carneiro, and Jonathan Hass into ancient state was disputable. Generally speaking, what these scholars discussed was not specificcally the ancient state, but state in general in Wang’s term.  


  Xu Jian, On the Discussion of the Responsibility for and Cause of the First World War in 21st Century Germany 

  In the 1960s, the famous Fischer thesis and relevant debates ascribed full responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War to Germany. This position has been held for half a century. However, with changes in the economic and political status of Germany, the narrative mode of the First World War has gradually shifted from the national narrative to a European narrative.  Several different views on the responsibility for the First World War have emerged in the academia. Theses such as Germany and Austria having the major responsibility, Serbia taking a shared responsibility, and great powers taking the collective responsibility have been commonly recognized. Researches on the causes of the First World War have become diversified as well. Scholars have started to focus on the pre-war psychological changes and activities of political and military figures in great powers, and to discuss whether the war could have been avoided. Based on the collection of latest literature relevant to these issues, this paper analyzes the new features and problems in researches on the responsibility for and cause of the First World War in 21st century Germany.  


  Chen Qunzhi, The Historical Time and The History of Times: The Twofold Perspectives of Jacques Le Goff’s Historical Concept of Time 

  Since Marc Bloch made the famous definition that history was the science of men in time, the historical concept of time of the Annales School has received much attention. Later, Fernand Braudel put forward the theory of multiple levels of time and the long term (Longue durée), thus constructing a specific framework for the analysis of historical phenomena. Influenced by former historians, Jacques Le Goff made the concept of time a subject of historical studies. While Bloch and Braudel did not directly discuss time itself, Le Goff was different. On one hand, he explored the interaction between the past and the present, and explained how this theoretical process was updating the definition of contemporary historiography. On the other hand, he also studied the symbiotic or antagonistic relations among different forms of time existing simultaneously in the medieval economic, social and cultural structure, and revealed the evolutionary process of the concept of time during that period. It can be known from his works that time is not only the standard scale of historical thinking, but also is a particular subject in historical researches.  


  Zhao Wanwu, The Discernment and Usage of Primary Documents in Environmental History Studies of Colonial North America 

  Many witnesses of the North American colonization including colonists, travelers, merchants, scholars, etc. , left a considerable amount of primary documents, such as journals, correspondences, travelling notes, land records, and commercial and governmental documents. With their reference to ecological and relevant social issues, they provide crucial resources for the research of environmental history. However, as these writers were restricted by their purposes, cultural biases, professional knowledge, and perspectives, some documents are disordered or flawed. Hence, in order to maximize the potential and to avoid the deficiency of these documents, researchers should scrutinize the records with reasonable interpretation.