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  目 录 


  美国开国先辈对“美洲退化论”的反驳及其意义 /王晓德(4)

  英格兰古典大学改革与大学传统的扬弃 /邓云清(23)

  天主教改革与“利玛窦规矩”的兴衰 /任婷婷(42)

  近代早期英格兰国家档案的编辑与散佚——弗朗西斯·沃尔辛厄姆档案探析 /杜宣莹(55)

  英国1830年《啤酒法》与酒类流通管理制度的变迁 /王晨辉(69)


  五至九世纪日本构建区域秩序的尝试 /董灏智(84)

  高丽文宗“请医事件”与宋日关系——11世纪后期日本外交的一个侧面 /马云超(94)


  雅典陶片放逐法考辨 /晏绍祥(104)

  罗马帝国的殉道者?——波爱修斯之死事件探析 /康凯(118)


  英国诗人历史学家西蒙兹的性格文化史研究——由《米开朗基罗传》《惠特曼研究》引出的历史思考 /周春生(132)


  近五年来国内美国史研究述评(2011—2015) /伍斌(146)








  The Refutations of “American Degeneracy” by the Founding Fathers and Their Significance /Wang Xiaode(4)

  The Reform of Ancient Universities and the Adaptation of University Traditions in England /Deng Yunqing(23)

  The Reformation of the Catholic Church and the “Directives of Matteo Ricci” /Ren Tingting(42)

  The Collection and Loss of State Papers in Early Modern England: A Survey of Francis Walsingham’s Archives /Du Xuanying(55)

  The Beerhouse Act of 1830 in England and Changes in Beer Regulations /Wang Chenhui(69)

  Attempts at Regional Order by Japan in 5th-9th Centuries /Dong Haozhi(84)

  The Request for Doctor from Munjong of Goryeo and the Relation between Japan and the Song Dynasty: A Facet of Japan’s

  Diplomacy in the Late 11th Century /Ma Yunchao(94)

  On the Origin of Ostracism in Athens /Yan Shaoxiang(104)

  A Martyr of the Roman Empire?—— On the Death of Boethius /Kang Kai(118)

  Historical Studies on the Character-Culture of British Poet-Historian J.A.Symonds: A Historical Reflection on The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti and Walt Whitman /Zhou Chunsheng(132)

  The Studies of American History in China between 2011 and 2015 /Wu Bin(146)




  Wang Xiaode, The Refutations of “American Degeneracy” by the Founding Fathers and Their Significance

  In the Age of Enlightenment when Eurocentrism prevailed, the “American Degeneracy”which was coined by Buffon and others was unique and influential. This notion was undoubtedly a scorn or an insult to those Americans who claimed to assume a special mission granted by God. As leaders of this new nation, the founding fathers could not pretend to be unaware of this absurd theory and let it spread arbitrarily. They countered Buffon and others’ illegitimate attack on America with indignant refutations. It is unquestionably that their refutations enhanced the cohesion of a new nation of immigrants, stimulated the confidence of Americans in the prospects of the United States, and facilitated the formation of national consciousness of the United States. It also altered the negative image of America existing in European minds.

  Deng Yunqing, The Reform of Ancient Universities and the Adaptation of University Traditions in England

  The reform of ancient universities was an important part of the 19th century English reforms. It involved the adjustments of theory and practice of education, and the reorganization of intramural and extramural administration. The reform was initiated by intellectual and political elites. The direction of utilitarianism, the atmospheric preparation by the learned community, and peripheral experiments provided common ground for the reform. It ended the non-governmental tradition of education by bringing government authorized intervention into the reform, which reflected the changing balance among collegial, ecclesiastical and political powers. Although it introduced professional education and academic research, the liberal, autonomous and gentlemanly tradition was maintained in the collegial and tutorial system. Such choices in the reform indicated that universities as means were required to serve the end of intellectual production.

  Ren Tingting, The Reformation of the Catholic Church and the “Directives of Matteo Ricci”

  The investigation into the establishment of the Society of Jesus, the oversea propagation of Catholicism, and the birth of the “Directives of Matteo Ricci” cannot be separated from the study of their historical backgrounds. On one hand, the “Directives of Matteo Ricci” were adaptations and adjustments necessary to China missions. On the other hand, rival denominations of the Society of Jesus questioned the integrity of Ricci’s practices. This worry was probably related to the Church’s wariness of “heresy” and the forming of a native Chinese church. Based on the Reformation of the Catholic Church, this paper analyzes the impact of the Reformation on the “Directives of Matteo Ricci”, and the relationship between the result of the Reformation and the prohibition of the Directives.

  Du Xuanying, The Collection and Loss of State Papers in Early Modern England: A Survey of Francis Walsingham’s Archives

  Established in the late 16th century, the inchoate national archive of early modern England was marked by its privateness. Because of the lack of official space, Tudor bureaucrats carried their works and papers into personal abodes, which resulted in the control of official information by personal familiars of important bureaucrats. Moreover, the “privatization” of state papers indirectly led to the loss of state papers due to the destruction and appropriation by the above-mentioned familiars, the selectiveness by national archives, and the theft of antiquaries. The collection and loss of the archives of Francis Walsingham, the principal secretary to Queen Elizabeth I of England, witnessed the privatization and reorganization of government administration in early modern England, and the return of state papers from private sphere to the government.

  Wang Chenhui, The Beerhouse Act of 1830 in England and Changes in Beer Regulations

  In order to standardize the brewing and sale of beer, England introduced alcohol license since the mid-16th century and the licensing duty was allotted to local magistrates. However, the lack of cooperation and supervision rendered it an ineffective practice, and even resulted in collusion between magistrates and growing industrialized breweries. As criticisms targeted at the issue increased, the Parliament passed the Beerhouse Act in 1830. Based on the idea of free trade, it repealed the intervention of local magistracy and advocated the free trade of beer. But the result of this Act was unsatisfactory: it exacerbated social problems, such as alcoholism. In the late 19th century, the continued aggravation of the issue and the rise of social liberalism popularized the notion of government intervention. The laissez-faire government was replaced by an interfering one which enhanced its legal regulations on alcohol.

  Dong Haozhi, Attempts at Regional Order by Japan in 5th-9th Centuries

  Japan had been encompassed in the regional system centered on Chinese dynasties since the 1st century BC. But the geological remoteness made its relation with Chinese dynasties ambiguous. Although it had been accepted in the international political structure of the pre-modern East Asia as a tributary state of China, Japan strived for a status “equal” to China, even by military means. Japan’s attempts at its own “regional order” can be seen from a series of moves during the 5th-9th centuries.

  Ma Yunchao, The Request for Doctor from Munjong of Goryeo and the Relation between Japan and the Song Dynasty: A Facet of Japan’s Diplomacy in the Late 11th Century

  Suffering from apoplexy, Munjong of Goryeo sent an official request for competent doctors from Japan. After several discussions, Japanese officials declined this request. Although the latter gave reasons as the distance and the lack of precedent, Japan’s reply witnessed an adjustment from an objective statement of difficulties to a harsh criticism of the unconventionality and illegitimacy of Goryeo’s request. The change in content resulted from the arrival of a diplomatic letter from the emperor of the Song dynasty. Being anxious about its involvement in the tributary system of the Song dynasty, Japan became suspicious of the true intention of Goryeo’s request. Hence, Japan emphasized its independence and superiority in its reply. Since the development of the incident was influenced by the intertwined relations among East Asian countries, a comprehensive understanding of it requires the background knowledge of the relation between Japan and the Song dynasty.

  Yan Shaoxiang, On the Origin of Ostracism in Athens

  Ostracism was one of the most important and peculiar institutions in Athens. However, classical documents varied as to its origins and purpose, while modern scholars also disagreed on the issue. Some agreed with Aristotle, dating it to the time of the Cleisthenes’ Reforms; but others agreed with Adrotion, preferring to the eve of its first use. This paper tries to argue that ostracism should have been proclaimed just before its first use, when the fight against Persia and against the returning tyranny coincided after the Battle of Marathon. Neither the age of Cleisthenes nor the aims of ostracism made the authorship of Cleisthenes possible. Its author should be some unknown politician(s) in the early 480s BC. However, the original purpose of the institution was to make the people judges of disputes among political elites and deciders of state policies. Therefore, although it was not invented by Cleisthenes, ostracism was coherent with his principles.

  Kang Kai, A Martyr of the Roman Empire?——On the Death of Boethius

  This article reexamines the political event of the death of the famous philosopher Boethius in the early 6th century. Since Gibbon, the death of Boethius was traditionally attributed to Ostrogothic barbarian rulers’ persecution of the Roman senatorial families and regarded as a sacrifice for the Roman Empire. However, the historical sources and contemporaneous political conditions revealed differently: his death was brought about by his political enemies in the Roman Senate and the Ostrogothic court. It was the Roman Senate which finally issued his execution decree. Moreover, Boethius himself did not think that he died for the Roman Empire. In his view, he still lived in the Roman Empire and served the Roman people.

  Zhou Chunsheng, Historical Studies on the Character-Culture of British Poet-Historian J. A. Symonds: A Historical Reflection on The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti and Walt Whitman

  Character has long been a key issue in the study of historical figures. Character influences the creation and development of culture, while cultural process brings augmentation to personal character. Bequeathing us many brilliant case studies, the historical studies on the character and culture of Symonds, a British Poet-Historian, provided a unique interpretation of the interaction between character and culture. As someone who combined the scholarly and historical research of character-culture with life mentoring, who constantly stressed the historical study of character-culture in his biographies and other works, and who tried to accomplish a book on the cultural history of homosexuality in the West, Symonds was indeed unparalleled among his peers in the 19th century. In an age when post-modernism prevails, his thoughts bring new discussions and critical reviews.

  Wu Bin, The Studies of American History in China between 2011 and 2015

  In the past five years (2011-2015), the studies of American history in China have witnessed huge progress. High quality papers were frequently published in periodicals and many monographs have come to the appreciation by the academia. Apart from traditional subfields of research, environmental history has grown rapidly, with its focus on transnational history moving from theory to practice, the history of disease began to be approached, and new generations of researchers started to make achievements in all subfields. Chinese academia has closely followed the latest development in American academia;international academic communication is becoming increasingly frequent; researchers are becoming more aware of their Chinese identity; graduate education is becoming more rigorous and systematic; programs of studying abroad have been increasing in number and quality. Despite of these inspiring developments, to make future international academic dialogues with American academia more fruitful, more efforts should be made in terms of the choice of research topics, use of first-hand materials, and application of interdisciplinary theories and methods.